Sunday, 18. August 2002
"Bugsy Malone Jr." -- the last matinee

TAC’s “Bugsy Malone Jr.” closes today, just when its 23 players and additional backstage crew were getting their acts together. Perhaps that makes it all the memorable.

It was only in the last three performances, for instance, that the pushers-on and pushers-off of the props and players got their cues and timing down just right and the younger and less experienced players came into full voice.

Having just said, "Hello!" The cast must now say, "Good-bye!"

So far, the players have largely been diffident about their personal feelings about the imminent demise of the show. But then, diffidence and exaggerated claims of boredom are the signature moods of so many teens and early adolescents, are they not?

Kenni Fayette, who played cabaret singer “Tallulah,” said she wouldn’t miss “Bugsy” much.

“I have competitions in Jackie’s dance (school) to think about,” Fayette said.

Ayla Clark, who had the female lead in “Bugsy”, simply shrugged. She was also vague about her future plans.

Leading man Jason Hopkins was not.

“I’m doing “The Boyfriend” at Marysville Charter Academy (for the Arts). I don’t know what part I’ll play, but I’ve been cast,” Hopkins said.

He also shed some possible light on Clark’s next project. Since they attend the same arts academy, it turns out he and she may soon be playing opposite each other again soon.

“If I’m one of the boyfriends and she’s one of the girlfriends, I guess so,” Hopkins said.

Word on where we might see the individual cast members of next may be available after they take their final bows at the last matinee and the great yawning abyss of a world without laughter applause opens before them.

Some of the parents who have toiled backstage assisting cranky child actors with costume changes, makeup, lost properties and missing hats (not to mention shoes, spats, canes and boas) were more definitive about their emotions.

“I’m glad it’s over,” one succinctly summed up.

Assistant Director Patty Fayette and stage manager Randy Fayette said they plan to take a break – a nice long one, too – from community theater.

They took on the double task of working on “Bugsy” while at the same time supporting their daughter, Kenni, through the hardships of the Yuba-Sutter mini-miss pageant – a title Kenni lost by a whisker, it turned out.

Director Pierrette Jensen, who learned during “Bugsy” that she had been nominated for an prestigious Elly award for her direction of last year’s “Snoopy,” has not said what her next theater project will be.

Perhaps she will announce it at the cast party, which was been postponed until next weekend due to a variety of scheduling problems.

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