Thursday, 17. July 2003
"Jerry Springer Moment"

We've been reading about some Brits putting together the "Jerry Springer Opera" for a year now. Turns out it's even better then they said it would be. It has even prodoced showstopper tunes, according to the New York Tiimes. (Reg. req.).

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Wednesday, 16. July 2003
Proclamations and plugs...

Out-going Miss Yuba-Sutter Candee Jensen of Yuba CIty received thanks and honorable proclamations Tuesday from Marysville and Yuba Cointy.

The city proclamation of gratitude for her service capped her year as the ambassadrix of the twin-cities and counties.the choreographer and a player in The Acting Company's current production of Grease.

Twelve-yar-old Alexandria Mazerolle was in Sacramento bright and early this morning to anser a casting call from the California Grown advertising campaign.

She and about 140 other would-be spokespeople for California's many agriculural products harvested in the Golden State read from a prepared script, exuded as much charisma as they could for the video cameras.

A news camera and reporter from Channel 13 were on hand, as was a reporter and still photographer from the Sacramento Bee.

When interviewed by Bee staff writer Alison apRoberts, Mazerolle remembered to plug Grease and the Yuba-Sutter Mini Miss Pageant, both of which she is appearing in.

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Monday, 14. July 2003
Getting their act together

Alex and Michael

Alex and Michael pause in their practice.

Singer Alex Mazerolle, 12, and pianist Michael de Vera, 16, met at Michael's Elk Grove home Saturdat to see if they might put a "cabaret" act together.

The duo's first gig will mre likely occur in a community room at an extended nursing care facility rather than he Rainbow Room in Manhatan, and their first audience may know more about hip replacemens than hip-hop, but, hey, it's a start!

The two worked for several hours on "A Whole New World" and "New York, New York." while Michael's little brother, Joey played Monopoly with Alex's mother, Michele. (Whipped her, too.)

Alex is a singer and dancer in the cast of The Acting Company's new production of Grease< scheduled to open later this month at the Peach Tee Country Club. tickets are available at the customer service kiosk at the Yuba City Mall.

She was in the group which performed the National Anthem and "Summer Nights" from Grease at the Gold Sox baseball game in Marysville Sunday.

Michael is a student, and teaches piano.

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